Modelling to enhance climate-resilience

Asst Prof. Yuan Chao shows how microclimate modelling can improve urban design to enhance climate resilience in a feature on German TV ARD.

by Geraldine Ee Li Leng

Against the backdrop of COP26, German TV ARD put the spotlight on the climate, featuring global efforts in tackling the climate crisis and mitigating the effects across extreme landscapes – from Greenland to the equator – from low-carbon mobility to clean energy, sustainable consumption, urban greening and urban design.

In tropical Singapore, Asst Prof. Yuan Chao, principal investigator of Climate-Resilience in High-Density Cities at the Future Resilient Systems (FRS) explains how a data-backed approach could provide evidence and insights for more climate-resilient urban planning. His team collects data on heat, wind and emissions for microclimatic modelling to support urban design, for instance, in faciliating heat dispersal in densely-built urban environments. The goal is to develop a new comprehensive concept to make Singapore more resistant against rising temperatures.

external pageWatch Klimasünder – Klimahelden (Climate Sinners, Climate Heros).

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