Urban challenges and the need for resilience management

13 Sep | FRS Co-Director Dr Jonas Joerin will be speaking on key challenges faced by urban areas and how cities can better prepare against various types of disruptions in this Zurich event.

Urban challenges and the need for resilience management
Speaker: Dr Jonas Joerin, FRS Co-Director
Date: 13 Sep 2022
Time: 0835-0855
Location: external page Swiss Re Next, Mythenquai 50/60, Zurich  

47 cities in the world that are defined as ‘megacities’, two-thirds are in Asia. According to the UN, the Asia-Pacific region became majority urban in 2019 for the first time in human history, with more than 2.3 billion people now living in cities. Fastest urban population growth is set to occur in secondary cities of Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam.

In this context, resilience is key for cities in the Asia Pacific as they face multiple challenges of urban development, climate change and sudden disasters all at once.

In this Swiss Re event, 'Urban resilience: How Asian cities face slow-moving threats', speakers will talk on what the different approaches are that make cities resilient, share best practices, and look at the relation between political systems and the level of resilience of cities.

FRS Co-Director Dr Jonas Joerin will speak on his topic, titled 'Urban challenges and the need for resilience management' at 0835-0855. He will present key challenges faced by urban areas and share how cities can better prepare against various types of disruptions. He will show how to transition from risk to resilience management and introduce some of the technologies and methods used to analyse and build resilience in infrastructure systems.

This event is a joint collaboration by Swiss Re and Asia Society Switzerland. A full agenda, including registration details, can be found at the external page event website.

Image: Dibakar Roy on Unsplash

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