FRS Webinar: How to Manage Societies Better than Optimal?
4 Mar | Prof. Dr Dirk Helbing will discuss and explore how decentralised solutions of self-organisation helps to organise societies in a more resilient way.
FRS Webinar Series: How to manage societies better than optimal?
Date: Monday, 4 March 2024
Time: 4.00 - 5.00pm (SGT)/ 9.00 - 10.00am (CET)
Venue: external page https://ethz.zoom.us/j/63317540149
Speaker: Prof. Dr Dirk Helbing
Given the ongoing digital revolution and our present-day sustainability challenges, the ways cities and societies are operated are presently being reinvented.
Societies are complex systems. This has important implications for how a society should be managed. Not like a company, and also not like a machine! I will illustrate our insights by means of pattern formation and self-organisation phenomena in social systems as well as applications to self-governance and self-control.
Based on this, I will argue that the requirement of organising societies in a more resilient way implies the need for more decentralised solutions based on digitally assisted self-organisation – a concept, which is also compatible with sustainability requirements and greater participation.
I will further discuss, how collective intelligence and co-creation can be supported in ways that promote favourable systemic outcomes – outcomes that are better than optimal, i.e. better than when optimisation is applied. As an application example, I will present a field study on participatory budgeting, which has been recently carried out in Aarau, Switzerland. Specifically, I will show, how voting rules can be improved to promote individual and systemic benefits, such as inclusion and fairness.
About the Speaker

Prof. Dr Dirk Helbing is Professor of Computational Social Science at ETH Zurich. He started as a physicist, but later on worked in the transportation and social sciences. He won various prizes and published more than 10 papers in Nature, Science, and PNAS.
At TU Delft, Dirk Helbing received an honorary PhD and led a PhD school in "Engineering Social Technologies for a Responsible Digital Future“.
Furthermore, he is member of the external faculty of the Complexity Science Hub Vienna.
Dirk Helbing has also given external page talks and workshops on these topics in Vienna.