Dr Zhengmao LI

Postdoctoral Researcher of Control, Detection and Recovery of Resilient Cyber-​Physical Systems

Zhengmao Li received a B.E. degree in information engineering and M.E. degree in electrical engineering from Shandong University, Ji’nan, China, in 2013 and 2016, respectively. In 2020, he then completed his PhD in electrical engineering at the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.

He was a research fellow with the Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, NJ, USA during 2019-2021 and is now a research fellow at the Nanyang Technological University under the NTU-ETH project.

Research interest

Li’s research interests include renewable energy integration, multi-energy systems such as multi-energy microgrid, multi-energy ship, optimization and RL techniques such as approximate dynamic programming, robust and stochastic optimization method, resilience of multi-energy system.

Awards and accolades

  • Applied Energy 2018 “Highly Cited research paper” award
  • Web of Science - highly cited paper
  • The ECE premium awards
  • Guest editor for Frontiers In Electronics
  • Invited to speak at iSPEC conference

Exhibitions and conferences

  • Z. Li, Y. Xu, Sidun F, et al., “Multi-objective Coordinated Energy Dispatch and Voyage Scheduling for a Multi-energy Cruising Ship, in Proceedings of 2019 IEEE/IAS 55th Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Technical Conference (I&CPS), May 2019, Calgary, Canada.
  • Z. Li, Y. Xu, “Dynamic dispatch of grid-connected multi-energy microgrids considering opportunity profit” in Proceedings of 2017 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting, July 2017, Chicago.  


  • Z. Li, Y Xu, et al. A Risk-averse Adaptively Stochastic Method for Multi-Energy Ship Operation under Diverse Uncertainties, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems. Early access, 2020. (IF: 6.074, citation: 1)
  • Z. Li, Y. Xu, et al. Optimal Deployment of Heterogeneous Energy Storage System in a Residential Multi-Energy Microgrid with Demand Side Management, IEEE Transactions on Industrial. Informatics, Early access, 2020. (IF: 9.112, citation: 9)
  • Z. Li, Y. Xu, et al. Robust Operation of a Hybrid AC/DC Multi-energy Ship Microgrid with Flexible Voyage and Thermal Loads, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, Early access, 2020. (IF: 8.267, citation: 3)
  • Z. Li, Y. Xu, et al. Multi-objective Coordinated Voyage Scheduling and Energy Dispatch for the Multi-energy Cruising Ship System with Renewable Energies, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Applications, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 1-9, Nov. 2019. (IF: 3.488, citation: 10)
  • Z. Li, Y. Xu, et al. Optimal Placement of Heterogeneous Distributed Generators in a Grid-Connected Multi-Energy Microgrid under Uncertainties, IET Renewable Power Generation (RPG), Vol.13, No. 14, pp. 2623-2633, Sep. 2019. (IF: 3.894, citation: 2)
  • Z. Li, Y. Xu, Temporally-coordinated optimal operation of a multi-energy microgrid under diverse uncertainties, Applied Energy, Vol. 240, No. 1, pp. 719-729, Apr. 2019. (IF: 8.848, citation: 30)
  • Z. Li, Y. Xu, Optimal coordinated energy dispatch of a multi-energy microgrid in grid-connected and islanded modes”, Applied Energy, Vol. 210, No. 1, pp. 974-986, Jan. 2018. (highly cited paper award) (IF: 8.848, citation: 131)

View Li's ResearchGate profile external page here.

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