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Enhancing power grid safety through Robust Fault Location research
New research at FRS increases the efficiency and reliability of detecting issues in power networks.
ResQ-IOS: A framework for quantifying the resilience of interdependent infrastructure systems
FRS researchers developed the ResQ-IOS, a computational tool for modeling, optimising, and quantifying the resilience of interdependent critical infrastructure networks.
Bolstering societies’ resilience through high social trust levels
This FRS working paper outlines how social contracts and social trust are key building blocks of social resilience.
A robust-stochastic optimisation approach for a logistics planning problem
This FRS Technical Note details a tool based on optimisation under uncertainty to address planning issues for training events for Singapore's Defence Science and Technology Agency (DSTA).
Trust as the bedrock of social resilience
This Note explores how trust builds social resilience by supporting well-functioning social contracts.
Technical notes
Future Resilient Systems
Singapore-ETH Centre
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Singapore 138602
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