FRS Phase II: 2020-2023

FRS was established in 2014 and entered its second phase on 1 April 2020. From 2020 to 2023, research topics in FRS2 were grouped into 3 clusters:
Cyber Physical Systems Resilience
- Resilience-Driven Design of Cyber-Physical Systems
- Control, Detection and Recovery of Resilient Cyber-Physical Systems
- Data Network Resilience in Cyber-Physical Systems
- Digital Twin-Enabled System Resilience
Resilience of High-Density Urban Systems
- Resilience Analysis of High-Density Urban Systems
- Energy Resilience in High-Density Urban Systems
- Climate Resilience in High-Density Cities
- Financial Systems Regulation and Networks
Distributed Cognition for Social Resilience
- Measuring, Modelling and Enhancing Social Resilience
- Dynamic Mobile Sensing Platform
- Automated Hazard Detection for Social Resilience
- Spatiotemporal Analysis for Weak Signals Detection
- Interactions with New Technology and Financial Systems
In addition, new research projects arising from the research at FRS include:
- Consumer Energy Usage Data in Smart City Development
- Disaster REsilience Assessment, Modelling, and INnovation Singapore (DREAMIN SG)
- Estimating Economic Losses from Cascading Infrastructure Disruptions
- Resilience Analysis of Hydrogen as a Low-Emission Fuel